Sunday, 15 May 2011

Blogs, Library, and Information Overload

I haven't found setting up my blog all that difficult, I found it kind of fun. It's kind of like creating art in the virtual world, at least setting up the background design of the blog as a whole. I wondering if anyone can tell me how blogger can be used to set up my portfolio.
Sometimes though, I wonder, does the world really need another blog? What are your thoughts?
I really do see the value that commenting on one another as Dean mentioned in Session #1 as a great method of improving on ourselves.
I think people have information overload online because there is a social stigma attached to a lack of online familiarity and ability, being book friendly in the library is not. Also the library is simple and been around forever. Most people are familiar with books and reading. Need a book? Go to the librarian, an actual human being and ask for help, very simple and efficient. Not so with the Internet. Easy to get lost online. People unfamiliar with it don't know where to look or go for help. Agree or disagree?

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the internet is only a useful tool if you know what you are looking for. In answer to you question 'does the world need another blog?' I think we are setting this blogs up less to add to the pile of accounts and more to connect and comment on each others work. I find this feedback great as I have not had the opportunity to hear my peers opinions in other university classes, especially on my work.

    I too have many questions about the portfolio. How are we to create an entire portfolio on a 'static' page? Will we make a separate page and link it to our blog? What is actually in a teaching portfolio? Hopefully these questions will be answered in our next few sessions.
